COA Small Business Center shares a webinar on marketing tactics

COA Small Business Center shares a webinar on marketing tactics
Stephen Traversie of Sezen Creative is the presenter of the webinar. [photo courtesy COA]

Thanks to a grant from Rural LISC, a cooperative of NC Small Business Centers in the most rural parts of the state have access to specialized topics and presenters through the remainder of 2021 to assist rural entrepreneurs and businesses adapting and dealing with the impact of COVID-19 to their business.

The presentation, “Adapting Big City Marketing Tactics for Small Town Success,” will be presented by Stephen Traversie of Sezen Creative.

Originally from New Bern, Traversie is an accomplished marketing executive with experience across multiple markets and countries for top ranked retail, nightlife and hospitality brands.

He will discuss “owning your customer” and the implications for different parts of marketing for rural small business owners and entrepreneurs using a 360 approach.

“Adapting Big City Marketing Tactics for Small Town Success”, sponsored by the COA Small Business Center, in conjunction with other Small Business Centers in rural parts of the state. Tuesday, May 4 at 11:00 a.m. (one-hour webinar); Thursday, May 6 at 11:00 a.m. (half hour follow-up conference call). Pre-register for the webinar at

For more infromation, contact Todd Lyden, Bladen Community College, [email protected] or 910-879-5572.