How to Use Search Engine Optimization on Blog Sites

How to Optimize Your Blog For Search Engines - Business 2 Community

SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a very important aspect of online marketing for marketers. When people optimize their websites – including their blog posts – companies are making their sites more visible to the public who are using search engines like Bing, Yahoo, or Google, to find their services or products. 

But does the company’s content to help their business rank organically on search engines? This article will find answers to these questions. We will explore the industry of blog SEO, factors affecting it, as well as tips to start optimizing blog sites for search engines.

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Does blogging help with Search Engine Optimization?

Blogging is a huge help in boosting SEO quality. It helps with positioning a website as a relevant solution to people’s inquiries. Blog posts that use different on-site SEO techniques can provide companies more opportunities to rank high in search engines like Google, Yahoo, or Bing and make websites more appealing to site visitors. 

Although it is very clear that content contributes to the site’s optimization, Google’s algorithm updates can make publishing the right type of content very tricky if individuals do not know where to start. Some ranking factors have survived the test of time, while some rankings are considered old-school. Some top-ranking factors can indirectly and directly affect blog optimization.

A simple tip: Companies need to take a lot of time to know and understand what these factors do, but they should not try to implement these things all at once. These things serve a particular purpose and should be appropriately used to meet a certain SEO goal for the blog. Listed below are some factors that can affect Blog SEO.

Dwell time

Although this thing is an indirect factor when it comes to Google rankings, it is a crucial factor in the UX or user experience – and everyone knows that UX is king when it comes to Search Engine Optimization. Dwell time is the time readers spend on pages on the site. 

What is UX? Click to find out more.

From the moment they click on the website in the Search Engine Result Page to the moment they exit the site is considered as dwell time. This metric can indirectly tell Google, Yahoo, or Bing how valuable the content is to the Internet users. 

It makes a lot of sense that the longer people spend on the website, the more relevant it is to SEs. But there is a good reason this metric is considered an indirect gauge for SEO – it is completely subjective. The SE algorithms do not know the website’s content strategy. 

The blog could be focused solely on the short-form content that takes a minute or two to read. People might also include pertinent info at the start of their posts to provide the best user experience. It means less time spent on web pages. So yes, this thing can affect SEO, but do not manipulate the site’s content to change the metric if it does not make a lot of sense for the website’s content strategy.

SEO Made Easy: How to Optimise Your Website for Search Engines

Page speed

This article mentioned earlier that various things like visual elements of blogs could affect online page speed, but that is not the only thing that can move the needle. Overuse of plugins and unnecessary codes can also contribute to slow sites. Removing garbage or junk codes can help pages load a lot faster, thus improving web page speed. 

If people are not sure how they can find and remove these codes, they can check out various apps like HTML-cleaners. These things are easy-to-use tools that do not need coding knowledge. It shows individuals unnecessary codes and lets them remove them with one click of a button. 

Experts in this industry like Johnny Chen Houston SEO also recommend taking inventory of on-site plugins. People should decide which ones they need to keep their sites running day-to-day and which ones are installed to help fix temporary problems. Plugins that can affect the front-end of a website are threats to page speed, and there is a good chance that people can uninstall more of these things compared to what they think can help increase their overall website speed.

Mobile responsiveness

At least half of the search traffic in the country comes from cell phones or mobile devices. On a personal level, blog sites might follow this trend. There is no way around it – optimizing a site for mobile users is a huge factor that can affect a company’s SEO metric. The essential rule people need to follow is to keep things straightforward. 

Most pre-made website themes today are already designed to be mobile-friendly, so all owners will need to do is tweak a Call-to-Action button and enlarge font sizes. Then owners should keep an eye on how their site is performing on mobile phones by taking a closer look at their Google Analytics and running mobile website speed tests.