Call Center – Criticisms of a Call Center

Criticism – by definition is usually “the act of criticizing in an unfavorable manner”. By the very definition of the word, to be criticized is a bad thing. No wonder people have a hard time accepting criticism. When you encounter criticism you have to realize two things.

In every field, criticism cannot be avoided; it is part of one’s human nature. Hectic industries like the call center field always have to face major criticisms in the work performances.

Criticisms to call center performance follow a number of common themes, whether it’s from both callers and the call center workforce, widespread criticisms include:

• Operators functioning from a script
• Non-expert operators (call screening)
• Lacking ability or untrained operators incapable of handing out customers’ request effectively.
• Pronunciation problems.
• Touch tone menu systems and automated queuing systems
• Disproportionate waiting times to be connected to an operator
• Complaints from departments of companies do not engage in communication with each another
• Dishonesty over location of call center (such as allocating overseas workers false English names)
• Requiring the caller to repeat the same information multiple times

Universal criticisms from personnel include:

• Close scrutiny by administration (e.g. frequent random call monitoring)
• Low compensation (pay and bonuses)
• Restrictive working practices (some operators are required to follow a pre-written script)
• High stress: a common problem associated with front-end jobs where employees deal directly with customers
• Monotonous job task
• Underprivileged working conditions (e.g. poor facilities, poor maintenance and cleaning, cramped working conditions, management interference, lack of privacy and noisy)
• Impaired vision and hearing tribulations
• Bad-mannered and offensive customers-especially callers who ask, “Is this the answering service?” (Most operators are not allowed to disclose this.)

The net-net of these concerns are that call centers as commerce processes show signs of stratospheric levels of unpredictability. The know-how of a patron, and the company achieves on a given call are almost totally reliant on the quality of the driving force in answering a call. Mainly, call center companies are beginning to address this by using agent-assisted voice solutions to standardize the process all agents use. Anton and Phelps have provided a comprehensive HOW TO directive to carry out the performance assessment of the business, whereas others are using an assortment of scientific technologies to do the jobs. However, some use alternatives by means of personality and skill based approaches.

The best way that the management of a call center can make certain of their quality performance is to perform a monthly training and appraisal to accomplish client’s satisfaction. Taking surveys will be a big help for them to track their performance regularly.

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