How to overcome Enterprise SEO challenges?

4 Common In-House SEO Challenges & How to Overcome Them

For large companies, enterprise SEO increases organic sales and visibility. Regardless of the number of employees, the term includes the conception and implementation of an SEO approach for companies with a large number of websites. Enterprise-level businesses with multiple websites, e-commerce websites with more than 10,000 pages, and corporate websites with multiple locations typically use enterprise SEO.

Enterprise SEO is a strategy for increasing the search engine ranking of large websites, including sites with thousands of pages. In order for a business to be found and have an effective presence on search engines, it must have an SEO plan.

Enterprise SEO can be more difficult than “regular” SEO for several reasons.

First is – Businesses need to improve their increasingly complex websites for internal user experience and browsing. Secondly, corporate websites often span multiple channels, including email, web, and social media, all of which require different implementation methods. And lastly, the company website content has to be specially adapted to the needs of the target group.

1. The difference between SEO goals and techniques

You need to make sure that whatever method you use in developing a solid SEO strategy for your business relates to your goals and objectives. In your company roadmap, you may have identified the key components of a successful online presence, but things may have changed elsewhere. SEO experts who travel with organizations are a common source of assistance.

Making page-by-page optimization your overall SEO approach is a common SEO mistake. A good plan should focus on maximizing targeting reach, which can develop gradually over time, eventually shifting to a side-by-side focus.

2. Pagination

Pagination is a strategy commonly used in search engine optimization. With this method, products or content are categorized on a certain number of pages. To facilitate consumption or to present it in a more digestible form, products or ingredients are segregated.

Most ecommerce category sites, news sites, blogs, and discussion forums use pagination. However, pagination can adversely affect page rankings if the sitelink structure is not well understood, especially for low-level pages. In addition, content duplication, which has a negative impact on SEO, is a major problem with pagination. Pages with insufficient page numbers and canonical tags may result in duplicate material.

3. Canonical issue

The canonical tag, which can be applied to a web page to inform search engines that the page is part of a separate homepage, can have a significant impact on a website’s technical SEO. They are important components because they have a huge impact on the technical SEO of a website. As a “hint” rather than a “hint”, search engines may ignore the canonical tag always, or even ignore it altogether.

Websites can benefit from multiple pages that are similar or nearly identical. But if you don’t want any pages there’s no point in having several nearly identical versions. When a canonical issue occurs, Google crawls pages twice as fast if your site has 10,000 pages, which is a problem for enterprise websites when they have many pages.

Using a tool like Screaming Frog, which scans your entire website and lists all of its URLs, will help identify the problem. Additionally, website audit includes SEO tools like Ahrefs, Moz, or SEMrush to monitor for duplicate content and canonical issues on your website.

This technology generates easy-to-read reports that you can use to solve these problems. Implementing 301 redirects as a workaround will solve the problem or even add a canonical tag to the page.

4. Reproduction of Website Content

In terms of content development, it is prohibited to use duplicate material or omit original content for your website or blog. You must follow the rules outlined in the Google Webmaster Guidelines when using the content approach.

You need to make sure that your URLs are original, that you don’t use keyword synonyms, and that your photos are of good quality. Avoid producing identical content across your platforms to win in business SEO.

Internal linking plays an important role in preventing this and ensuring that only pages with little or no content are indexed. Many company SEO initiatives start with a link that leads to a Search Results Page of No Results (SRP).


Hope you understand the article. If you have any doubts or questions, please share them in the comments section below. In case you need a reliable managed SEO provider to take care of you organization’s SEO, you must get in touch with one soon. It can only help boost the traffic and performance of your website.